Choir “Gloria”
“I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.” Psalm 69:30

Since the Old Testament we see how the Levites served in the tabernacle and praised God playing various music instruments. Today it is difficult to imagine service in the church without song and music. Today it is difficult to imagine service in the church without song and music.
The choir “Gloria” began its ministry since the formation of SSBC in 1997. When we are together, our hearts and voices sound in unison. Our choir is blessed with hundreds of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. The main criteria for choosing our programming is the content and the Word. A new addition to the choir that has served as a special blessing is Andrey Pronin, who serves in the organization and leading of the services. Vitaliy Vykhodets and Andrey Pronin serve together in this united choir.
Every church service is a celebration and a unique opportunity to praise the Lord and to exalt and honor Him.
Our rehearsals are every Wednesday in the main sanctuary.
The choir “Gloria” began its ministry since the formation of SSBC in 1997. When we are together, our hearts and voices sound in unison. Our choir is blessed with hundreds of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. The main criteria for choosing our programming is the content and the Word. A new addition to the choir that has served as a special blessing is Andrey Pronin, who serves in the organization and leading of the services. Vitaliy Vykhodets and Andrey Pronin serve together in this united choir.
Every church service is a celebration and a unique opportunity to praise the Lord and to exalt and honor Him.
Our rehearsals are every Wednesday in the main sanctuary.
Choir Director: Vitaliy Vykhodets
Choir Conductor: Andrey Pronin
Choir "Svetliy Mig"
The choir "Svetliy Mig" (Bright Moment) was founded in August 2002 for the music ministry in the church with a symphonic orchestra that was formed in November 1999.
Since its inception, the Choir Director has remained Vladimir Mokhov. The piano accompanist is Diana Kadoshnikov.
Rehearsals are on Tuesdays at 7 pm in the main sanctuary. During rehearsals, the children’s singing group “Rassvet” (Dawn) also holds rehearsal and is composed mostly of children of the members of “Svetliy Mig”. As they grow, children are able to join the choir ministry that leads to the ability for parents and children to serve together. This is a special blessing for which we are grateful to our Lord.
The symphonic orchestra holds rehearsals on Mondays at 7 pm. The orchestra director is Vladimir Mokhov.
Since its inception, the Choir Director has remained Vladimir Mokhov. The piano accompanist is Diana Kadoshnikov.
Rehearsals are on Tuesdays at 7 pm in the main sanctuary. During rehearsals, the children’s singing group “Rassvet” (Dawn) also holds rehearsal and is composed mostly of children of the members of “Svetliy Mig”. As they grow, children are able to join the choir ministry that leads to the ability for parents and children to serve together. This is a special blessing for which we are grateful to our Lord.
The symphonic orchestra holds rehearsals on Mondays at 7 pm. The orchestra director is Vladimir Mokhov.
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Choir & Orchestra Director: Vladimir Mokhov
Men's Choir
“I will sing a new song to you, O God; upon a ten-stringed harp I will play to you…” Psalm 144:9
Men’s choir was formed in 2008 by Nikolay Donchenko. The Choir Director Nikolay Donchenko passionately served in this ministry and gathered a cohesive men’s group in praise. In 2011, Nikolay was joined by Vitaliy Vykhodets and they have been serving together ever since. during the 2018-2019 years Timofey Orlov also contributed to the leadership and development of this choir. In 2021, Vitaliy Vykhodets took on the director role of the choir, as Nikolay Donchenko was unable to continue due to health concerns.
Men’s choir includes about 30 brothers who love praising the Lord and spending time in fellowship with one another. “Brothers rejoice, the joyful day has come…”
Men’s choir rehearsals are on Mondays at 7:00 pm in the choir room.
Men’s choir includes about 30 brothers who love praising the Lord and spending time in fellowship with one another. “Brothers rejoice, the joyful day has come…”
Men’s choir rehearsals are on Mondays at 7:00 pm in the choir room.

Choir Director: Vitaliy Vykhodets
Choir "Emmanuel"

Choir Director: Anna Gulegina
Choir Conductor: Yevgenia Balatskiy
Practice Times
Choir "Gloria"
Wednesdays 7PM
Choir & Orchestra
"Svetliy Mig"
Choir: Tuesdays 7 PM
Orchestra: Mondays 7 PM
Orchestra: Mondays 7 PM
Men's Choir
Mondays 7 PM
Choir "Emmanuel"
Fridays 7PM
Kids' Choir
Wendesdays 7PM