“to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Eph 4:12)
The mission of the Department of Education is to help everyone be equipped and prepared to serve fruitfully in the Body of Christ and spread the Gospel by providing the necessary resources. A variety of programs and materials help at every stage of spiritual development and cover different range of ministries.

"Preacher" School
A school for the training of preachers
On the pages of Scripture we encounter a story - after Israel’s long stay in captivity, the scribe Ezra gathered the people in the square and read the law.
In order for there to be maximum benefit from preaching, the preacher must read the Bible clearly and understandably to his hearers, interpret it, and make it applicable. Preaching occupies a large part of our meetings, so the quality of preaching determines how trained and equipped believers will be in their spiritual lives and ministries. Our school began in January 2023 and was organized to give a foundation to accomplish the above requirements.
Our method - practical skills for preparing and delivering a sermon. In our classes, we examine the texts of Scripture together, forming the basis for a sermon. Preachers with little experience can practice right in the classroom, getting advice, encouragement, and feedback before they go to preach in church.
If you are already preaching, or if you are interested in learning how to preach biblically, then go here (contact and active link), we meet once a month.
“And they read from the book, from the law of God, clearly, and added an interpretation, and the people understood what they read.” (Nehemiah 8:8)
In order for there to be maximum benefit from preaching, the preacher must read the Bible clearly and understandably to his hearers, interpret it, and make it applicable. Preaching occupies a large part of our meetings, so the quality of preaching determines how trained and equipped believers will be in their spiritual lives and ministries. Our school began in January 2023 and was organized to give a foundation to accomplish the above requirements.
Our method - practical skills for preparing and delivering a sermon. In our classes, we examine the texts of Scripture together, forming the basis for a sermon. Preachers with little experience can practice right in the classroom, getting advice, encouragement, and feedback before they go to preach in church.
If you are already preaching, or if you are interested in learning how to preach biblically, then go here (contact and active link), we meet once a month.

Blagovest Institute
Blagovest Bible Institute
We live in a world in which it is hard to overemphasize being educated. Professionalism and qualifications are what we expect from the people we entrust to repair our homes, cars, take care of our children or the health of our bodies, as well as other important areas of our lives. But what about our immortal soul? Is this the part we entrust to people that are not always educated and often just self-taught?
Knowledge of the Scriptures, methods of interpretation, sound doctrine, and practical application of the Bible for life lead to what Apostle Paul calls "... that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." (2 Tim. 3:17)
The study of theoretical and practical disciplines, current methods of evangelism and discipleship, and the historical journey of the church in the past is by no means an exhaustive list of the study opportunities provided by Blagovest Bible Institute. The friendly atmosphere, highly qualified instructors, and accessibility of instruction create a good classroom environment. This is what makes students well prepared to serve others.
Convenient schedule: one session per month lasting 2 days, for a year and a half gives the opportunity to receive a theological AA degree while serving in a local church, and for the next year and a half to advance to a bachelor's degree. After that, by committing yourself for another 2 years of study in a master's program, you will become a diploma holder with accreditation in the United States and post-Soviet countries.
If you want to know more information or are ready to become a student now, you can go here (contact or active link). We look forward to having you as a student and growing together in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Knowledge of the Scriptures, methods of interpretation, sound doctrine, and practical application of the Bible for life lead to what Apostle Paul calls "... that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." (2 Tim. 3:17)
The study of theoretical and practical disciplines, current methods of evangelism and discipleship, and the historical journey of the church in the past is by no means an exhaustive list of the study opportunities provided by Blagovest Bible Institute. The friendly atmosphere, highly qualified instructors, and accessibility of instruction create a good classroom environment. This is what makes students well prepared to serve others.
Convenient schedule: one session per month lasting 2 days, for a year and a half gives the opportunity to receive a theological AA degree while serving in a local church, and for the next year and a half to advance to a bachelor's degree. After that, by committing yourself for another 2 years of study in a master's program, you will become a diploma holder with accreditation in the United States and post-Soviet countries.
If you want to know more information or are ready to become a student now, you can go here (contact or active link). We look forward to having you as a student and growing together in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Confirmation classes
Admission to the local church
1. Baptism (1 Pet. 3:21)
Baptismal preparation classes are held each year from February through May. These are 13 lessons aimed to teach key truths of God's Word for the life and godliness of every believer (2 Pet. 1:3)
To join the class, you must apply to be baptized and be interviewed by the ministers.
At the end of the training there will be a test on the material covered and an interview for a final decision on admission to baptism.
Baptismal preparation classes are held each year from February through May. These are 13 lessons aimed to teach key truths of God's Word for the life and godliness of every believer (2 Pet. 1:3)
To join the class, you must apply to be baptized and be interviewed by the ministers.
At the end of the training there will be a test on the material covered and an interview for a final decision on admission to baptism.
2. Transferring from another church (Col. 4:10)
After the application is submitted, we will contact the ministers of the church from which the brother and/or sister is transferring to us to confirm good standing.
Then appointments are made for introductions, familiarization with the bylaws of our church, and a summary of our doctrine.
After that, brothers and sisters who have applied for membership in our church shall be presented to the general assembly for a decision on their admission to membership in the local church.
*Confirmation - a conscious profession of faith.
*Confirmation classes - lessons before being baptized and/or becoming a member of a local church.
After the application is submitted, we will contact the ministers of the church from which the brother and/or sister is transferring to us to confirm good standing.
Then appointments are made for introductions, familiarization with the bylaws of our church, and a summary of our doctrine.
After that, brothers and sisters who have applied for membership in our church shall be presented to the general assembly for a decision on their admission to membership in the local church.
*Confirmation - a conscious profession of faith.
*Confirmation classes - lessons before being baptized and/or becoming a member of a local church.

Bible Study
The purpose of studying God's Word is primarily to learn about God, His will, and His plans. It is also to build the character of a faithful follower of Christ and to choose the right priorities in life! To prepare your heart to meet Christ! To understand and soak in His Word, to proclaim the gospel to others!
"Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers." (1 Tim. 4:16)
Our Bible studies are online using the Zoom system on Mondays at 7:30PM. Join Zoom Now! And also on Thursdays at 7:00 PM in the main church hall.
"Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers." (1 Tim. 4:16)
Our Bible studies are online using the Zoom system on Mondays at 7:30PM. Join Zoom Now! And also on Thursdays at 7:00 PM in the main church hall.
Small Groups
Small/home groups (Acts 5:42)
The first Christians were either in the temple daily or gathered in small groups in homes for fellowship; to worship God; to pray for one another; to study Scripture; to serve one another together and to preach the gospel to others.
Small groups have been in our church for years, also there are small church groups for various ages.
Our goal is to have more church members, our family, friends and acquaintances become part of a small/home group ministry.
The plan is to study the same material to have unity.
As in first Church the goals of our groups are:
Small groups have been in our church for years, also there are small church groups for various ages.
Our goal is to have more church members, our family, friends and acquaintances become part of a small/home group ministry.
The plan is to study the same material to have unity.
As in first Church the goals of our groups are:
1. Fellowship (Acts 2:42)
2. Worship of God (Psalm 85:9)
3. Praying for one another (James 5:16).
4. Studying the Scriptures (Jn. 5:39)
5. Serving together (James 1:22)

Conferences and Seminars
Theological and historical seminars are part of a supportive training program for the personal spiritual growth of each church member. In our church, seminars are held once a quarter (sometimes more often, sometimes less often).
This is a list of seminars that have already taken place, which can be viewed in the recordings, as well as plans for the near future:
This is a list of seminars that have already taken place, which can be viewed in the recordings, as well as plans for the near future:
- Family Relationships - V. Gruntkovskiy (September 2022)
- Calvinism and Arminianism - S. Solonenko/A. Gunko (November 2022)
- Family Relationships - D. Waller (February 2023)
- History of Baptist Slavic Nations - S. Solonenko/A.Gunko (February 2023)
- Small Groups - V. Omelchuk (March 2023)
- Discipleship Groups - V. Omelchuk (March 2023)
- History of Baptist Slavic Nations -
S. Solonenko/A.Gunko (May 2023) - The Life of Christ in Israel - S. Solonenko/A.Gunko (May 2023)
- Spiritual Gifts
- Soul Care
- Marital Relationships

School of Music
The music school invites all who wish to learn to glorify God. Learning to play musical instruments and singing contributes to the development of memory, speech formation, development of emotional perception and creative abilities.
Music contributes to the acceleration of cognitive processes such as memory, thinking, perception, attention, imagination, which ultimately determines the overall level of development of intelligence.
Music lessons contribute to the development of fine motor skills, sense of tact and rhythm, and improves coordination of movements.
Music classes give your children additional opportunities to participate in glorification of God.
The following disciplines are currently taught in our school:
New students will need to fill out an application form, which is located in the church foyer, and return it to the school principal, Vitaly Gulegin.
Students who attended the School of Music in the last school year do not need to register.
Music contributes to the acceleration of cognitive processes such as memory, thinking, perception, attention, imagination, which ultimately determines the overall level of development of intelligence.
Music lessons contribute to the development of fine motor skills, sense of tact and rhythm, and improves coordination of movements.
Music classes give your children additional opportunities to participate in glorification of God.
The following disciplines are currently taught in our school:
- piano - Galina Shagalova (916-607-9101);
- violin - Lyudmila Serdyuk (916-844-9130);
- wind instruments - Alexander Shagalov (916-308-6532);
- vocals, piano - Anna Gulegina (916-349-6046).
- vocal and vocal groups, class with elements of solfeggio and music theory - Vitaly Gulegin (916-247-4728).
New students will need to fill out an application form, which is located in the church foyer, and return it to the school principal, Vitaly Gulegin.
Students who attended the School of Music in the last school year do not need to register.

Russian School, Speech Therapist
More than one generation of children was born and raised in Slavic families in the United States, and the task of the school was to preserve the link between generations through the Russian language. Language is a universal means of communication in the family.
Our school has classes for children and teenagers with different levels of Russian language skills. We teach literacy, reading, and writing. We develop speech through retelling, interpretation of words, vocabulary building.
The school has individual lessons with a speech therapist to help you speak and pronounce sounds correctly.
Each class meets once a week. The school is open weekdays in the evening.
Our school has classes for children and teenagers with different levels of Russian language skills. We teach literacy, reading, and writing. We develop speech through retelling, interpretation of words, vocabulary building.
The school has individual lessons with a speech therapist to help you speak and pronounce sounds correctly.
Each class meets once a week. The school is open weekdays in the evening.